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Pasadena Shotgun Cowboy Joe Horn – Updated Photos and Video

shotgun joe horn

Texas grand Jury Clears Murderer Joe Horn of shooting 2 unarmed men in the back June 30, 2008

Pasadena Texas Joe Horn – NEW raw video of Demonstration

Dec 8 Update – Texas Hero Joe Horn Shoots 2 Unarmed Black Men in the Back

Prayers are coming in from all over the nation for Shotgun Cowboy Joe Horn. Christian praise for Horn – who at about 2pm last Thursday afternoon – shot suspected burglars Miguel DeJesus and Diego Ortiz three times with a 12 gauge shotgun from a distance of 15 feet. Both were shot through the chest and one shot again in the neck. At this time it is not known if the neck shot separated the man’s head from his body. Joe Horn has left town saying it is just all to stressful. As a Christian Nation we can only pray that Joe, the victim in all this, is relieved of his stress.

After the pictures of the victims appeared in the Houston Chronicle (and subsequently removed it seems) a few things became clear. Joe Horn was not shooting Hispanics as the initial readers suspected from the names listed, rather he was shooting N-words. This of course jacked his hero credentials up two notches. Black AND Hispanic!

The below comment which we got here on Kick! – but had to remove because Google doan like dat word – from a good Republican explains the driving force that supports Joe Horn 2 to 1 here in Houston and no doubt, in all regional Republican circles. The mainstream media will not print these kind of comments for obvious reasons, and neither will they address the real issues behind this; racism and gungoonery.

anybody that does not think this guy is a patriot is an idiot…this is what happens when [nword] try to steal in white areas from now on…they get their ass shot…much better than paying for their housing in our prisons…we gave these [nword] everything and now they want this too…steal in white areas and then get their ASS blown away and then you to got losers that say that is wrong too… cotullaguy

The transcript of the 911 call in yesterday’s Joe Horn article Local Pasadena, Texas Hero Joe Horn Kills 2 Unarmed Hispanics does not quite get the point across as well as it does when you hear it in this video.

This prevailing aspect regarding the joy so many Americans find in this kind of violent vigilante gunoonery smacks of the much larger picture of how we have lost whatever moral high ground we once enjoyed before starting a war over a pack of lies, the torture at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and the present torture by waterboarding . Another example in a long list making us no better than those we pretend to be superior to.

The truth you will never hear from the mainstream media is that when we take just these issues portending evil in world; vigilante racist murder, preemptive war upon civilian population centers, denial of due process and torture it all comes from the same direction. White conservative Republican Christians. And I will be damned if I am not going to say so here.

The primary reason for our present war on immigrants is because of The Rule Of Law. As you can see, those who scream it the loudest will also discard it the fastest when it does not fit into their Christian intolerant world view.