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Pastafarian Lindsay Miller wins! Wears colander for Massachusetts driver’s license photo

Pastafarian Lindsay Miller wins! Wears colander for Massachusetts driver's license photo

It’s only fair, if women can wear habibs and men tablecloths on their heads Lindsay Miller can wear a spaghetti strainer, here, hear!  Lowell Woman gets Permitted To Wear Spaghetti Strainer In Driver’s License Photo

Pastafarian iconsHere are the Pastafarian or Flying Spaghetti Monster icons for your car, yard sign or tattoo.

Warning, if you live in the South best put these icons in your back yard, on your front bumper or on the bottom of a foot if you don’t want to be shot.

I have found that hardly anyone knows about the pirate fish other than other Pastafarians, so that’s the best bet down here. Remember, Americans hate atheists more than Muslims.  Chew on that.

Pastafarians are creationists, though they understand that the Flying Spaghetti Monster was drunk when he created the world which caused so many problems. He still drinks heavily, after all, he created Heaven with a beer volcano and a stripper factory. While Hell has a stale beer volcano and the strippers all have STDs. Oh and like the religions of the Book who see Jews as their original chosen people, Pastafarians have pirates.

Pastafarianism is only 10 years old and has progressed far far further than any other religion has in so short amount of time. So jump on board, for unlike every other religion, it’s FREE!