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Pat Robertson to Poor 80 yr old Woman, Get a Job, Tithe!

Pat Robertson to Poor 80 yr old Woman, Get a Job, Tithe!

Pat Robertson dipped to a new low in  outrageous and callous advice to his ‘700 Club’ viewers recently when an eighty year old woman and faithful viewer, with severe financial troubles called in to tell him that her generous weekly tithe had become difficult.
Robertson, whose net worth is estimated to be between $200 million and $1 billion is – somewhat removed from the problems of his less affluent flock. On the Thursday broadcast,  Robertson read a letter from an 80-year-old woman named Audrey, who is on a fixed income, although she has never wavered in tithing. The usual tithe is 10% – but Audrey and her husband give a bit more, despite clearly being unable to afford it.

Robertson read Aubrey’s letter which revealed much about the family finances.
“Our old car just broke down and we had to borrow money to fix it. We both need dental work, but we can’t afford it. I constantly have to use our credit card to pay for medical needs,” Audrey told Robertson. “I speak the verse about ‘give and it will be given to you.’ We have no unforgiveness in our lives. What could we be doing wrong?”

Needless to say, the Robertson’s have never lived in dire straits, but he doesn’t hesitate to tell Audrey that she is to blame for her own situation!  Another of God’s representatives on earth might have given  Audrey permission to tithe less, or (perish the thought) perhaps he would use some of the 700 Club money to help desperate but long-time faithful viewers. Instead, Pat gave Audrey some practical tips.

Robertson advised Audrey:
“There are many ways of making money, even at 80 years old. You know, you can get on the telephone, people are hiring. There are all kinds of things you can do,” Robertson told the woman. “For example, you may have a bunch of junk lying around in your garage that you can sell on eBay, and get some money that way. There are many, many ways of making money.”

“Many many ways of making money!”
Is it me or is there a disconnect? People who can’t afford dental or medical care, may not have internet access, or valuable goodies to sell on ebay…But Robertson continued by chastising Audrey. “You’re looking at the downside, instead of asking God to show me how I can move into blessings.”   Give ’till it hurts Audrey. Pat’s new $520,000 Thoroughbred colt Mr. Pat, needs new shoes.

Despite Pat’s undoubtedly excellent advice, I’d suggest that Aubrey go into televangelism, it seems to pay much better than the paltry suggestions he gave her.

If you’ve been playing along, you know that this is far from the only zany thing Robertson has said on his own network this year.
Robertson advised a woman that men only wander because wives fail to keep themselves presentable.
Pat claimed last year that gay men spread the HIV virus by wearing rings designed to transmit the virus to their unknowing victims.
Earlier this year Robertson shared a prediction that our planet would be destroyed by a massive collision with an asteroid, by the end of April. So far, this one hasn’t materialized.
He struck out again when he predicted that Orlando, Florida would be hit by a devastating meteor strike.