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Pat Robertson: Smack Your Kid Up to Protect Him from Evil Music

Pat Robertson: Smack Your Kid Up to Protect Him from Evil Music

America’s sweetheart, and moral compass Pat Robertson  guided a concerned mother whose 11-year-old “twerp” is into the devil music, and needs a dose of ‘Big Daddy!’ The mother named Marie shared that her son has recently started listening to music that speaks of the “beast within” and the “infection in people” and told Pat that his attitude has become so nasty that she has nearly given up parenting him.
I have  listened to some songs for decades without quite catching the lyrics…This kid’s mom would have hearing like a bat.  However she is a worried bat at wits end, and as it happens, Pat is never without an answer.

While Pat recognizes that puberty is a difficult time, he advises: “it doesn’t hurt to  smack an 11-year- old around a little bit and say, ‘You behave, you’re not going to listen to that garbage in my house. If you do I’m going to tear it up and break those records!”  Brief pause, while Pat’s co-host Terry Meeuwsen quietly informs Pat that music is no longer played on the Victrola or on records at all.  Pat resumed ” or CD or whatever, iPods, however you get that mess.'”  Pat is hitting his stride: ” I know he’s only 11, he’s just a little twerp and you make that little twerp behave. He’s a kid he’s just a little boy.”  Does this imply that you have the size and weight advantage?  Again, Meeuwsen, who seems like a really nice lady suggested a more modern approach such as “removing privileges too.”  Pat scoffed at privileges, but maintained “there’s a lot of evil in the works and you’ve got to protect him from evil.”  (By whatever means necessary, or whatever means make you feel large and in charge).

Now Pat slides back into his comfortable role of misogynist know-it-all.
“I guess you act like you’re a single woman, and they’ll take advantage of you – If there were a man in the house!.” Again, his co-host  interjects that the pronoun in the letter is “us” so it is a couple.
Pat  shifts gears, he’s no longer just lording it over a single mother, but an ineffectual father as well.: “Well, Daddy had better get in there, I promise you he wouldn’t do that with me!”   HeeHeeHeehee… BIG DADDY’s HOME – WHAP”!  Pat crowed while making the ‘whap’ gesture.

The co-host, quietly remarked, “that explains a lot.”

I suspect the nice, informed co-host isn’t long for the co-chair. She tactfully corrected Big Daddy several times, and seems unaware of her role as silent window dressing.

“Big Daddy” has a notorious background with problems from viewers who turn to him for relationship help. You may remember the incident where “Ivy” asked how to forgive her philandering husband.  It sounded as if she wanted some pastoral advice to soften her heart toward the louse. Pat gave her a rundown on the temptations which are constantly  thrown at men – who have no free will…Look it up, it’s Eve’s fault.   He wound up the heated ‘advice’ tirade by telling Ivy that it is her responsibility to make their home so ‘wonderful that he won’t want to stray.’ In other words men will be men, and if you’re not pretty or nice or sexy enough, you can’t blame ’em for strayin’.