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Plan B contraception pill not for old farts, Toles Cartoon

plan B toles

Plan B contraception pill is not for people over 50, but it is an important issue for the growing demographic of the young, single women and Hispanics. So where are the old White Republican morons on this.  Are the sleeping?  Somebody give them a shake.  We need some GOP crazies to speak up  to offset the GOP scandaling. But then again, scandaling is about all the GOP has these days.

The pill costs about $35 on average. A lot for a 13 year old girl. Especially a loose goosey. So perhaps this will not only reduce  tens of thousands of abortions each year, but slow down the loose gooseys a bit. It works for 120 hours I am told. That’s five days.  Hmmm…. Five days goes into $35… $7 night.