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President Chris Christie will destroy Common Core and Legalized pot!

Chris Christie fatty fatty boom boom
Tweedly Dee and Tweedle Dum

“If you were president would you return the federal prosecutions in the states of Colorado, Washington states?” CBS John Dickerson asked.

“Yes,” Christ Christie said.

“So, if somebody’s enjoying that now in their state, if you’re president, that’s getting turned off?” CBS John Dickerson continued.

“Correct,” Chris Christie responded.

So Republican States Rights advocate Fatty Fatty Boom Boom pictured here last week showing off his 30 pack makes no bones about taking the federal police into Colorado and Washington to throw a few million people in jail. YES, CORRECT. Same goes for Common Core, get rid if it, YES CORRECT!

We like that in a leader, YES CORRECT we do. We like dat…

Like Lindsay Graham this week saying if you don’t want more wars in the Middle east don’t vote for me, YES CORRECT. Can’t wait to see our captured American troops get beheaded. That will be fun. Be the first Mom on your block to have your boy come home in two boxes..

The Common Core issue is even more simple than the no pot and more war issues.

It makes students think harder, and thinking hard, as we remember from George W Bush, is not what the Republican Base does well. It makes Republican Base parents feel stupid when their kids come home smarter than they are. Understandable. Same issue with national testing. We don’t like testing here in the South, makes us all look dumber than the rest of the country. We need our own dumbed down testing, on a curve.

Have you ever calmly talked issues with a regular Republican Base person? They don’t think about much at all. They just want to go hunting and fishing and drinking and not pay taxes is all. They don’t have time for thinking.

And now with smart phones none of us do.  So we will all soon be catching up with them.