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President and court jester Ted Cruz, Toles cartoon

President Ted Cruz

Down here in Dumbutt, Texas home of Ted Cruz, we see a lot more of him than the rest of the world. The media is errant in failing to get across to yall just what a charismatic character he is.  His speeches are often delayed by applause and foot stomping for long minutes while he paces the stage soaking up the glory of it. Women sometimes faint while others throw their Depends up on stage. I personally have never seen anything like it. Well other than old newsreels of the Beatles in the early Sixties.

It will  be interesting to see which of the Libertarian Right presidential candidates will get the nod come the GOP primaries.  Though both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are evangelical Christians who share in the elimination of all gun controls, income taxes, social security, Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, public education, Planned Parenthood, gay marriage, the EPA and most every financial regulation ever written, Ted Cruz outshines Rand Paul in war, whiteness and charisma.

Ted Cruz is sure to be on stage for the GOP presidential debates. He will dominate not only that stage but the audience as well. Even the new ALL Right-wing moderators the RNC has required are going to have trouble keeping the foot stomping hooting applause down whenever he speaks. Will it translate into primary votes?  That I don’t know. But Ted Cruz is the Tea Party. He is the Republican Base.

Also take note of Senator Ted Cruz has just shown again that he can take control of the House of Representatives.

Who do you think is writing up the arguments, briefs and articles of impeachment?