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President Obama’s sinking polls anualysed

This graph from Gallup shows something turned things around on or about July 25th. From Democrats being 6 points ahead to 10 points behind. A drop of 16 points in less than 30 days. What happened on July 25th or so to steadily lose so much ground?

Economic indicators just do not change things to such a degree so fast. So I am hard pressed to find any issue large enough to precipitate such a sudden drop other that the Mosque controversy which carried us through most of August amplifying the Republican Lie that the President is a Muslim. Those "he’s a muslim!" polls show an increase from 11% up to 18% of Americans,  and those who believe him to be is a Christian went down from 48% to 34%. The jump seems to be more about American Religious intolerance than anything I can come up with. If you think this drop was precipitated by something else let us know. What else happened at the end of July, and as you can see, again on or about August 25th?

UPDATE: Consensus is that the second late August surge is from Glenn and Sarah’s Church Picnic on the Mall. Two airheads babblin on and on about patriotic and Biblical homilies wins is a winner anywhere in America.

But the more important poll I want to bring to your attention I found in this week’s TIME magazine. The online version does not present these 3 polls in the article Mr Unpopular, so you have to either take a look at the hard copy or just trust me on this.

There were three polls presented in the article all of which had about the same results. I will use only the last one because I have to format and hand type all this and they are so close it does not matter. The questions were:

Do you approve of the job President Obama is Doing handling Foreign Affairs?

Do you approve of the job President Obama is doing handling the economy?

Do you approve of the way Barack Obama is handling the job of President?

People        July 2009     July 2010

Total              56%             49%
Seniors           49%             45%
Independent   48%             44%
White             49%             41%
Women           59%             49%

As you can see the biggest change in those Americans who are so mud dumb angry stupid they want to put the Republicans who caused them all their troubles back in the drivers seat, are WHITES and WOMEN. WHITE WIMMIN’!

I am reminded of the Mississippi murder of 14 year old Emmett Till who was said to have whistled at a white woman. The picture below from Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s recent Church Picnic on the Mall puts the "if" of that controversy to bed, after all, who could resist the lure of Southern Christian White Women? I am all puckered up!

hot tea party women