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Psychotalk: Lou Dobbs Joined the Birthers WTF?

Lou Dobbs, once gave the appearance of a staid, middle aged, fairly reasonable broadcaster of a conservative bent, complete with opinions and a pin striped suit.

Soon he was completely wrapped around the axle over the importance of The Wall – between Mexico and the U.S. I thought that was as crazy as it could get, but oh no!

Uncle Lou’s way gone now bay-bay! He’s hopped aboard the train to Crazytown with Rush Limbaugh and the gang. Check out his responses to the proof of President Barack Obama’s citizenship which most sane people accept, as seen on www.factcheck.org. For example, he cannot accept it,"This one’s peculiar."

What’s peculiar is that we’ve never had a bru-ha-ha over the "right" copy of a presidential birth certificate before. One gets the feeling that many Birthers only wish they could sport their white sheets in public.

A few more Kick! articles on CNN’s master of populist bigotry an racism, Lou Dobbs

I Turned off CNN because of Lou Dobbs

2008 Shithead of the Year, CNNs Lou Dobbs

Republican Lou Dobbs – CNN’s Ethnic Cleansing Guru

Lou Dobbs Time Change – White People Rejoice!