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Rand Paul Filibuster with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, where is Tim Scott? Olman cartoon

rand paul filibuster

The 13 hour filibuster by Rand Paul with his friends helping him along, is being compared to Jimmy Stewart in Mr Smith Goes to Washington and William Travis from Alamo fame.  There are four  issues at play here.

First is the one positive in all this. Rand Paul is actually doing a real filibuster with the time and pain originally envisioned for it.

Secondly is the straw man of sending drones to kill Americans having coffee Starbucks. Or more specifically, using drones to kill Americans in America.  It seems to be clear. If the person is an “enemy combatant”  it's okay, if not, not. So moving on. And if some outside decision needs to be made other than by The President, just pray about it. Ask God. But be careful, he may be up to one of those last minute Kill your Children jokes.

Third is the Republican Senate Tea Party Cabal seems to have left out the black guy on this one. Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz all present and accounted for, but where was Tim Scott? You know the BLACK Tea Party nutjob from South Carolina with no ears. These Tea Party types aren't racist as they keep telling us, so why the cold shoulder to one of their own?  Notice who all their names, first and last, are so short. I like that, easy typing.

And lastly, we now have four active hard core Tea Party Senators who won state wide elections. I am concerned that it went from one [Jim DeMint] to four in just 2 years. I am waiting patiently for one of them, my guess is it will be Ted Cruz, to make heroes out of their like minded fellows Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh and the Michigan Militia.  Really.
