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Relgious intolerance, around and around it goes, Hajo cartoon

Religious intolerance goes round and round

And round and round it goes, the Religions of the BOOK, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, up and down and round and round the greatest cause of intolerance and violence in the world past and present. And it is now all getting worse!  You see, if you make something up, something completely devoid of reality, you can turn it into whatever you like. No limits, no stop signs, no reason… AND!  A thousand years of turmoil in the Middle East, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the witch burnings, the Holocaust, 911, shooting doctors in the back were all done in the name of religion. Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot did what they did not in the name of religion or no atheism, but in the name of politics and personal gain.

The cartoon brought this old memory to mind. The Pink Floyd album “Ummagumma” with the related song, ” Where are you going with that ax Eugene?” To get that OTHER religion…

pink floyd Ummagumma