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Religion from the end of gun

Religion from the end of the gun

Never in a million years did I even consider that it was possible for me to agree with a Ramirez cartoon.  90% of are direct attacks on that big eared black dude in the White House.

Is it something to worry about when I find myself in agreement with Rameriz, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News? Do I need to reboot? But then again Bill Maher, Salman Rushdie, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris to name a few have the same problem.

Though it is a matter of political correctness gone astray per usual, there is a big difference in the end game. The Right does not refrain from pointing the finger at Islam because here in America they are a despised foreign minority. The purpose of which is to celebrate the intolerance and bigotry inherent in their own Christian religion. Which the are Hellbent to shove up your butt with a jackhammer.

On the other hand, Islam being a religion, and religion being the centerpiece of intolerance, ignorance and bigotry in the human condition. And the instigator of tribal warfare since Thump from Cave #34 came up with idea, there is still no end in sight. The problem is the Christians! No wait, it’s the Muslims!  No no no, it’s the JEWS! Fire up the ovens! Oh have you heard? THAT had nothing to do with religion either…