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Republican Children do the Republican Debates

Republican Children do the DebatesThis debate using small children playing the parts of the recent Fox News Republican debate is an insult to children everywhere.

It seems what came out of last week’s Republican debate, other than Donald Trump making it fun, is Rand Paul and Chris Christie having tantrums and the two most Christian candidates, Huckabee and Cruz sounding far more like Benito Mussolini than Jesus Christ. Seems the case all around the world with religion having more in common with fascism than anything else.

Mike Hucabee says when he is president he will call out the United States military to surround abortion clinics with armed soldiers and tanks to keep all women from all abortions because the Supreme Court, the third branch of government, is meaningless. Christian Ted Cruz is no better. Christian Rick Santorum was at the early learning center and I didn’t get his spin on how to be a better fascist but I suppose he rang that bell.

Oh did I forget evangelical Christian Scott Walker who in the debates said that women should die rather than have an abortion? Like Ted Cruz, Walker’s father is also an evangelical preacher. That crap gets into you at such a young age that there is no coming back to reason ever.