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Republican toadies against Miranda and Due Process

Attorney General Eric Holder is before Congress having to defend Due Process to some Republican toadie on some panel making the party talking points ad nauseum. 

It’s not just about Miranda, or that lawyers who defend terrorists are no better than the terrorists themselves, or even trials hidden away at military bases under strange law. Rather it is the entire concept of Due Process, Equal Justice and Rule of Law at stake. 300 years of progress in this country making our legal system more fair and equitable no matter ones chance of birth.

But these days "progress", "equitable" and "fair" are aspects of Marxism, communism, socialism and even nazism to the GOP.

Watching Eric Holder reply to some Republican toadie with a poop in his diaper over Osama Bin Laden given a Miranda warning, I realized the flaw in our system. Sure giving Bin Laden Miranda warning wouldn’t change a thing, nor as Holder pointed out, will Bin Laden ever make it that far alive. But after stating those facts, Holder should have told this trembling in his boots, scaredy cat, pants peeing Republican toadie… 

"We in this country give these terrorists Due Process like anyone else because we are better than them." [then a penetrating look directly at the Republican toadie to continue] "Well some of us are better than them are anyway."

If that kind of straight talk were allowed not only in Congress but by the Media when having to suffer the endless repetition of Republican Talking Points, that whole Gingrich Revolution crap would never have happened and we wouldn’t be running scared from the Republican toadies ever since. So, is toadies suppose to be capitalized?