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Republicans Bring us the Actual End Times, Toles

Respondents to a July Gallup poll were given three options as responses:

The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word.

The Bible is the inspired word of God, but not everything in it should be taken literally.

The Bible is an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts.

30% percent responded that the Bible is the actual word of God. Down from 40% during the Ronald Reagan/Jerry Falwell/Moral Majority years. That is a 10% drop per generation. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and pass the ammo! So by 2061 we will finally be free of these nitwits.

Responses to the poll also shifted drastically when sorted by levels of education. Of those with a high school diploma or less, 46 percent say they take the Bible literally, while only 16 percent of those with a postgraduate degree align with this view.

Not every one can be smart. But when a good solid third of a nation are dumber than a bag of hammers we can see that they can take control of one of the two political parties and make fools of all of us. Poll: 3 In 10 Americans Take The Bible Literally

There is a very successful War on Smart People going on. It is best defined from the Rupert Murdoch newspaper debacle of late.

It is simple, long run and very successful. Re direct the anger from those who put us in this mess of diminishing returns – for everyone but the wealthy – and push that anger upon immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, the poor, minorities, Lindsay Lohan, Casey Anthony, Charlie Sheen, Roger Clements, serial killers, child molesters and of course the worst of the bunch, BLEEDING HEARTS and DO GOODERS.