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Rick Perry Mugshot sign of things to come

rick perry mug shot

Where’s his number?  Where’s the side shot? Both these missing objects in the Rick Perry mugshot portend poorly for how this will go for Democrats. In fact I bet even Wendy Davis is going to have to walk away from it.

Rick Perry has always been in a bit of trouble down here in Dumbutt over the past 12 years for ethics violations concerning political appointments – openly and loudly celebrating the GOOD OLE BOY network of doing things..

In this case he tried to extort a DA out of office so he could appoint a friendly Republican to replace the unfriendly Democrat on the ethics investigation team. Which as Rick Perry says loudly to a universal Texas applause, is the right thing to do.

This is much like Chick fil a, Hobby Lobby, Paula Dean and Cracker Barrel in which bigotry and racism pointed out results in customers across the South increasing support for companies and individuals who celebrate bigotry and racism. Same thing is going to happen here, this is now going to be one of the top rallying points for Perry in the coming primaries.

Have you noticed how far out of the way we go here in America to legally exempt RELIGION and CHURCHES from various forms of bigotry, homophobia, sexism and wholesale stupidity. Ah, strike that last point, stupidity is not against the law, it’s what religion is founded upon.