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Rob Reiner’s review of Trump’s speech to Congress, he is a pathological liar

Rob Reiner's review of Trump's speech to Congress, he is a pathological liar

Rob Reiner's review of Trump's speech to Congress, he is a pathological liar“He knows he is going to be the president very soon.” Rob Reiner on why Mike Pences was giggling during Trump’s wall talk.

The President of the United States may be a pathological liar but at least we know from this teleprompter speech that contrary to public opinion he can indeed read. Well in short spurts anyway. Any one ask him what the last book he read was? Dollar to a doughnut he will lie and say the Bible.

Reiner goes on to say that Mad Kind Donald is not only a pathological liar but has no idea how government works or even what public policy is. To which I might add he doesn’t even know how to deal with people on an even keel. For he believes everyone he does has to deal with, including nations, are stupid losers.

Chris Matthews gets the best line of the night though. After Reiner says even Hollywood with their best satirical writers could not come up with a fictional president more unbelievable that Donald Trump to which Matthews replies: “It’s like we got the wrong envelope.”