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Rosetta Stone for Republican Racists!

Rosetta Stone for Republican Racists!

Lipstick Liberal promotes a Rosetta Stone, which will help conservatives communicate their racist views with coded confidence just like Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz!  I suspect the program will have a limited market. Only politicians are interested in appearing to be politically correct, and a growing number consider their offensive, racist blather to be a vote-getting asset among their right wing constituents. Really, how else can they identify one another – other than by their camo-tastic garb, and ever-present weaponry?  A well-time racist barb lets one know instantly that they are among friends.

In the time since this video was made, politicians have added to the language they use to offend people. For instance, I offer Congressman Steve King’s contribution in referring to immigration with some unflattering names for those whom he claimed have ” calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” should be ‘immigrants’  or ‘our neighbors to the south’ perhaps.

It’s too late for Sarah Palin who has gone completely into word salad mode, although her recent ‘speech’ featured one discernible sentence. Palin referred to “The Man” whom it seems “Can only ride your back if it’s bowed.”  If anyone knows who this man is, and why he’d want to ride Sarah Palin, please write. Inquiring minds want to know.