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Rudy Giuliani takes credit for not acually saying ASS when he asks Hillary to shove her socialized medicine up her ass

 "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession."First things first. Polls for many years have shown that the majority of Americans want a single payer healthcare system, as of this month it’s 58%.  With that said watching this angry bozo of a once mayor add to the anger that The Donald gushes out everyday at Hillary to that crowd of despicable morons, and realizing that The Donald is now as a cornered rabid animal leading his angry audiences from the standard chants of LOCK HER UP to LOCK HER UP TODAY.

This now has me seriously worried about a pre election assassination of Hillary Clinton. It happened in 1968 with RFK which changed the world. The hate of Hillary has gone so beyond anything I have ever witnessed, coming from not a few discontents wearing cowboy hats in a Oregon jail, but from 40 million stupid losers who above all else hate smart winners [unless they are orange], especially if they are black or female. I suppose all this hate comes down to this:

 “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession. You know, I’m not sitting here — some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.” Hillary Clinton 1992 embracing “feminism.”

In the wider shot of this video we see an older white woman holding up a BLACKS FOR TRUMP sign, and a few young black men doing the same in the camera frame. Seems the Trump machine leaves these signs in the bleachers before the speeches for people to hold up.  What were those two black men paid? And was it in silver?