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Russell Brand:ISIS Vs Climate Change, The Killer?

Russell Brand: ISIS Vs Climate Change Which Kills More?

If you believe that ISIS kills more people than climate change, you may be surprised by what Russell Brand has to say about the cause and effect nature of climate change to terrorism, and the deadly nature of both.

President Obama recently made the Fox coven hot and frothy when he said the media “absolutely” overstates the threat of terrorism in comparison to the threat of climate change. As it turns out, he is understating the situation. Twenty six Americans have been killed by Jihad i attacks in the past ten years, while five million people have died world-wide due to climate change…But we don’t see that.

The media brings scary ISIS clips into our homes all day, every day of the 24-hour news cycle. We see the face of terror. We do not see the deadly threat of climate change spread across our TV screens, and for very good reasons.  Russell connects the dots that show how climate change is responsible for terrorism; and greedy energy companies are responsible for climate change. When you factor in investors like media mogul Rupert Murdoch and our old fracking buddy Dick Cheney, the killing of the earth is the perfect crime.
We stay distracted by shiny keys – or scary jihad-is while the money rolls in. Speaking of Dick Cheney, there are certainly no scary fracking stories on Fox – and precious little said elsewhere anymore.

This is not merely a hand-wringing session, Brand actually came up with a lot of good ideas which  we could implement immediately.  See if they make sense to you, after you see the video.
As Brand says:
“We either have to ditch capitalism and save the planet or ditch the planet and save capitalism.”

I’m afraid we’ve done the latter, and it appears that we’re staying the course.