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Sam Bee prepares for the Russian Invasion of Brighton Beach, Daily Show

sam bee hotdogs with caviarCaviar on a hotdog is not such a bad idea. So are we eating less caviar lately?  Will we have to return to the horror of busing to get our astronauts up to the space station?  Will American astronauts be thrown out the airlock? How is what Russian is doing a matter of our national security?  Why do Republicans so love and respect the leadership qualities, the power and no nonsense militarism of Vladamir Putin while demonizing him?  

But most of all what I would like to present is that THING I am not sure what to call. The “what would we do in the same position” THING?

Say the UN declared that the lower half of Texas by given back to Mexico. And the dominate American population of the area was hold up at the Alamo crying for help? What would we do? Would we give a crap what Vladamir Putin, the Russians, the EU, Mexico or the UN had to say about it?