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Sarah Palin and Black Acid comes to Republican Woodstock in Searchlight, Nevada!

Encased in black and billed the "Biggest Rock star of the Right" Republican favorite Chillbilly from Alaska, Sarah Palin filled in for The Lizard King Jim Morrison who was unable to make it due to a prior commitment.

This Republican Rock star’s set had the audience fires lit by including such Republican favorites as "How’s that Hopey Changy Thing Going for You", "HELL NO health care for you!",  "Hey Sarah, Where you going with that Gun in your Hand?"  "Riders in the Sky – Shooting wolves from a Plane)" and of course closing the event with the rousing rendition of the GOP Standard, "I Want to take you Lower".

The set did not include such Woodstock favorites as "With a Little Help From my Friends" or "Let’s Work Together". 

Though there was no song to celebrate tripping on LSD such as the Airplane doing "White Rabbit" or Hendrix "Purple Haze", there was this hot female Woodstock attendee who obviously took too much of that dangerous Black Acid and could do little other than carry around a gigantic green statue of liberty. Acid Rescue teams at the scene have said it was made of hemp.

We can only guess what horrible use she put to the faded and dirty American Flag blanket she also was lugging from the clothesless swimming pond not shown to the left of the picture.

Pictures of clothless Karl Rove cavorting with and William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh in the desert pond have been removed from the net. Though I do have some advice. If you happen to come in contact with that flag blanket, wipe your hand on the shirt of whoever happens to be close by.

The shindig drew an astounding crowd of almost 7000 to the desert town of Searchlight, Nevada – only 493,000 short of the 1969 version in upstate New York. Though it did not rain on the parade, it was so windy much of what the speakers had to say on the makeshift stage was blown away in the wind. They couldn’t even get Lee Greenwood or Charlie Daniels.