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Scary Hitler Based C Street Family Uses Tax Dollars to Undermine Government, Spread Political Theocracy Worldwide.

This is one story we are not hearing about, and I dare to say it’s much more important than the shiny keys of the Beer Summit which have distracted us. We thought they were a group of Republicans whose worst traits were sharing a tax
exempt Animal House from which to conduct their sexual escapades. If only that were all!

Rachel Maddow explains how they’re using tax dollars and House and Senate Arms Services Committee transportation, and have already presented their philosophy to undermine and overtake our country as an American ideal to far too many countries in their seemingly official capacities! Based on teachings of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, they are above ordinary morality, hence the sexual escapades, and overthrowing the government at our expense. At the same time, they pull in money from church organizations due to their theory that they’re working for a Jesus based theocracy. Christ cannot return until they have built this government . They’re supported by the wacky wing of the Republican party and many church based organizations, which they brag make them “like the mafia” in that their activities and money are difficult to trace.

You will not believe what they’re doing. With federal money, they travel far and wide claiming to represent the American people. This is one to keep you awake nights!