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Scott Walker gives donors son 81K job. No degree, no experience, no problem

In the middle of the worst economic skid since the ‘Great Depression,’ for those of us in "The Magnificent Downturn" jobs are hard to come by, even for the educated and the experienced. That’s why Brian Deschane is an exceptional young man. With no degree, no experience, and two drunk driving convictions, he is an employers dream – and a role model for young people everywhere!

Scott Walker hand selected Deschane for the $81,500 mystery job. The kid’s done so well that in just two months he’s earned a 26% raise and a promotion! Why is is so hard for all of the other whiners to gain employment, hey? Some spoiled sports seem to feel that Deshcane’s meteoric rise has something to do with his father Jerry – who is a longtime lobbyist for the Wisconsin Builders Association, whose PAC was one of Walker’s top five campaign donors. It sounds almost as though some feel that strings were pulled to get this rising star a foot in the door.  Proud papa waves off such speculation, insisting that what’s his name got the job on his own merits.