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Senator Hutchinson Going Wingnut For Texas Governor Primary

Kay Bailey Hutchinson once referred to as a moderate Republican has decided that being a Senator in Washington is a lot more work that being Governor of Texas. Texas Governors are short on power and long on relaxing. So she is coming home from the Beltway to take Rick Perry’s job away from him.

Not long ago Hutchinson was double digit poll numbers ahead of Governor Perry (who has the nicest hair in Texas, for a man) but has suffered a few setbacks lately.

The fair Senator from Texas lost ground by spending too much time up there in Washington with all those gun grabbers, atheists, socialists and you know… darkies up there for too many months in a row. All while Governor Perry was out and about doing Tea Parties with Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity winning over the Republican Base here in Texas by standing on the Alamo to talk of seceding from the United States. That’s hard politics to beat down here in Dumbutt. She also made a very serious misstep by telling Governor Perry that if he did not pull out of the election to give her a free run without a primary, that she will resign from the Senate to run full time against him.

Now on her road for redemption with the Republican Base, Senator Hutchinson has just declared she will vote against the conformation of Sonia Sotomayer. Here in a state where Hispanics are the fastest growing electorate other than California.

To win the Republican nomination for Governor here in Texas, Hutchinson is going to have to become even crazier than wingnut Rick Perry. So expect to see this once reasonable old lady smiling with a .44 magnum in photo ops, reciting Sarah Palin anomalies and even perhaps talking of reinstating slavery after secession… More on Senator Hutchinson going Wingnut at Houston Chronicle