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Shut down Shout out, The Onion Week in Review,

Onion week in reviewI don’t think shouting is the answer. Better to just limber up your fingers, tuck your middle finger under your thumb and give these Tea Party Republicans a good snap in the nose.

And they will stand their ground, shoot and kill you and not only walk, but be a hero to the NRA.

The answer of course to be sure to always have a bigger and faster firing gun than they do. The small arms race.

What is it that makes Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Fox news so beloved?  It’s no secret, it’s about making a wholes feel good about themselves. They know the world is leaving them behind, what with the queers on TV, Negroes in the White House and all those people with funny sounding names, religions or even worse, no religion. It makes them angry, very angry.  Rush Limbaugh was the first to see the big money in making Stupid Angry Aholes feel good about themselves. Lots of money. Fox News followed as did the GOP.