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SLN Weekend Update, Leslie Jones on Gender roles, Nov 7 2015

SLN Weekend Update, Leslie Jones on Gender roles, Nov 7 2015Leslie Jones and her “man witches” aside, here we have a good reminder that it is not just ethnic bigotry towards Mexicans that makes Donald Trump so beloved by Republicans, but his racism defined by being the leader of the Birther movement making him even more attractive to the Republican base.

Though Egyptian scholar, neurosurgeon and pathological liar Dr Spongebrain Benpants is nipping at his heels with evangelicals fainting in Christian and Homeschooling bookstores.

The spurious argument from Dr Spongebrain that the media did not go after Barack Obama for all the stupid things he said is because he didn’t say any stupid things, as Dr Ben does multiple times a day.

Speaking of saying stupid things, have you ever noticed that those saying the dumbest things you ever heard are all Republicans who wear their religion on their sleeve foreheads. I wanted to make a “stupid said” list from both parties but after filling a 32 gig thumb drive full of Republican silliness I couldn’t find even one stupid thing from a Democrat. Any help would be appreciated. And please it needs to be at the level of a Herman Cain, a Michele Bachmann, a Ben Carson or a George W.