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SNL Cold Open: Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon do the 3rd Trump Clinton debate

SNL Cold Open: Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon do the 3rd Trump Clinton debate“RIPPING BABIES OUT OF VAGINAS!”  False! he said “RIPPING BABIES OUT OF THE WOMB!”  Though I would expect the only way to actually do that would be for The Donald to grab them by the wussy.

This is again the problem The Donald has, all the Media has to do is throw his words and tweets back at him and down he goes. Okay I know, there was that tape and now the 12 women coming forward that are not about his own words.  Well other than denying he would ever do such a thing he said he did on the tape. Which riled up the women who he did to, to come forward. So it’s his own damn words again that got him in the mess he is in.

This abortion thing has always baffled me. First is that the center of Republican ideology is small government, no regulations, keeping the Nanny State out of our lives and above all individual freedom, and here they are pushing for a big government intrusion and denial of liberty that is surpassed only by government executions and incarceration.

A mystery to me how Pro Life women admit that “women” are too amoral and stupid to make their own reproductive decisions without big intrusive government intervening to make those decisions for them.

Not to mention overturning Roe V Wade which will not eliminate abortion but just take it back to the states where it will become illegal in the Old Confederacy and those western states that no one lives in. Lots more busing from state to state.  There is also the Hyde Amendment of no funding for abortions which creates millions more unwanted children from poor and minority women to populate gangs and prisons. Way way too many intellectual hurdles there for these kind of people to deal with.