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SNL Cold Open, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Explains

snl rob fordA conservative and a rugged individualist who defends personal liberty and freedom. And get this Republicans, WITHOUT A GUN growing from the top of his head.

You see the problem up dare in Canada dontyaknow? Wouldn’t it be better to make sure Rob Ford carries an AR15 wherever he goes, doing whatever it is he does? And make absolutely sure that even with all the things he has done, no one can ever take is gun away no matter what?

Which we recently found to be the case in Idaho. No elected official no matter past felony rape or accused of another rape 3 years later can be denied the right to carry a gun around. After all, a bulge under your arm is a good way of getting laid in Idaho. Idaho Rep. Mark Patterson can carry gun without permit

Some may ask if African Americans with felonies can pack heat in Idaho?  But both African Americans still living in Idaho are not felons, so we don’t know.