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SNL, Piers Morgan Halftime Super Bowl, MIA finger and Madonna

If there ever was a case for PR working no matter it be good or bad, this is it. A week ago it was MIA WHO? And today MIA is at the top of the news cycle even a week after the tantamount event.

This is the problem here in the United States you know. Morality. Even with all the dishonest words and cliches Frank Luntz makes up for them, Republicans have been having trouble with the money, taxes, fairness thing. So now that we have a 12th century pinhead in the lead for GOP President, they have moved it over to a new great lie. Our problems all stem from lack of morals (religion).

It is not that there are no longer any jobs for working class men. Or that what jobs there are left for them have less benefits, no health care, and not enough wages to support a family even working two jobs. Or that 26% of men between 21 and 32 have moved back in with their parents.  Or a war on drugs that makes millions of men unemployable at any level. Marriage is out of the question ECONOMICALLY.

So as Republicans witch and moan about less marriages and children out of wedlock, the diligently work very hard at trying to eliminate abortion, birth control and sex education! Which does make perfect sense to invertebrates. But no no no… That isn’t the problem at all!  The problem is our LIBERAL culture of loose morals, not going to church enough (we go more than any other nation on Earth) and of celebrities giving the finger or flashing a nipple, but most importantly, poor people having sex, the only form of free, or at least cost effective entertainment left in this world.

To get the gist of all this read up COMING APART by Libertarian Charles Murray. You remember Murray from his two most infamous books, Losing Ground and the 10 years later The Bell Curve. Both of which say the same thing. African Americans are too stupid, criminal and immoral to bother spending tax money on. This new one let’s blacks off the hook and blames our lack of morality on the elite of the top 5% who are IMMORAL LIBERALS. Our problems can be solved by everyone getting married and going to church.  Charles Murray COMING APART review at the Daily Beast