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SNL Politics Nation with Al Sharpton

SNL Politics Nation with Al Sharpton

“Bernie gets a 6.2 from the black community, no one has ever heard a black person say, hey, I have some time off this weekend, anyone want to go up to Vermont?”
“Ted Cruz gets a 2.1, just look at him, you know he’s up to something.”
“Donald Trump gets a -1048, but that could go down.” [1048? That’s a geek number!]

First it was Joy Al Reid who got disappeared from MSNBC followed by Al Sharpton and then Melessa Harris-Perry, it may have taken a few years but MSNBC finally figured out that SHARE thing in cable news. After all how many African Americans need an F150 or Cialis?

Speaking of Cialis, why is it that there has been no sketch comedy from anyone of the Cialis ad with the couple ripping each other’s clothes off and doing it right there in the restaurant, the football stadium, the hotel pool and the park?  And why does that guy have to go to to the Men’s room to get it up before doing it?