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SNL Weekend Update #1, Jeb Hitler, Nov 14 2015

The only honesty you will find from Evangelical Christians is to everytime you see or hear them use the word VALUES cross it out and write BIGOTRY, for as you know, bigotry is good as long as it rides under the guise of religion.

SNL Weekend Update #1, Jeb Hitler, Nov 14 2015Jeb Bush would go back in time to kill the Baby Hitler, leaving Germany in the hands of his brother, Jeb Hiltler, which caused some snotnose guffawing in the chair here.  Ben Carson would not kill Baby Hitler. This is as good a reason as any do decide the GOP nominee, time travel baby murdering.

Donald Trump being a loud obnoxious simple minded a whole? What’s new?

The meat of this piece is the explanation of the anti HERO law winning here in Houston with their NO MEN IN WOMAN’S BATHROOMS program. Really, not kidding.  Which they are now taking to Dallas and every other major city in Texas to rescind.

Good to see someone other than me finally take the specifics of this to task. Though he did miss two things.  Who will be doing the penis/wussy checking at ladies room doors?  And what it actually takes to watch a woman pee what with stalls with doors. These men, dressed as women will have to get down and crawl over the sloshy bathroom floor to stick their heads under the stall to see what they have been dreaming of all their lives. If I am not mistaken this where the term DONT GET ANY ONYA came from.

Oh and of course the bottom line in all this. Do they want men dressed up as women peeing in men’s rooms?  No.  What they want is transgender people not allowed to pee anywhere, to make them suffer and stay it home. It is what being a Christian means.  Hurt THEM.