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SNL WEEKEND UPDATE, Angela Merkel German Nationalism, what could go wrong – video

SNL WEEKEND UPDATE, Angela Merkel German Nationalism, what could go wrong - video

. Angela Merkel is not afraid of the rise of nationalism in Europe, for as she says, what could go wrong?

Anyone remember what happened in Germany in the 1930’s? A reminder. A populist politician long on rallies and short on humanity came to power by promising to make Germany Great Again. Primarily by building up the military and putting the blame on the nation’s woes upon Jews. Times have changed! Europe is doing the same but it’s Muslims this time rather than Jews, while America is more exclusive blaming not only Muslims but Mexicans and African Americans as well. But as you well know, it’s the same damn horrible thing. Driven in part past and present by FAKE NEWS.

In fact most all of the debate over how we elected a vindictive narcissist buffoon as to President is wrong.

For if we put our election into the context of Brexit and the rise of white nationalism and white identity politics going on in the rest of the Wide White World, it is evangelical fundamentalist religion that is to blame, in it’s present from, Islam.

Osama bin Laden did indeed change the world on 911 with the murder of 3000 Americans with the cry of Allah Akbar! No doubt at all that bin Laden had the most effect on the world for good for bad not in 2001, or the first decade of the 21st Century, but in the actual 21st Century thus far. It’s all about immigration, and immigration by a specific religion, an evangelical fundamentalist religion. Where at it’s core is little different than Christian Evangelical fundamentalism or Jewish Orthodoxy.

I know have overused the following data, puts it puts two issues into perspective in few just a few words.

Americans shot and killed by Islamic terrorists since 911 – 98
Americans shot and killed by other Americans since 911 – 190,000 [non suicide]