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SNL Weekend Update, Duck Dynasty and Billie Jean King, Dec 21 2013

We find this week we CAN judge a book by it’s cover

snl duck dynastySo I knew all the names of all those who came out in defense of   Phil Robertson 10 seconds after I became aware of the story.  How about you?

After all, this is not about free speech, this is about an ugly old bigot representing an artsy fartsy cable news channel.

It’s not just books we can judge by their cover, it applies to religion as well.

Put a turban on this Talibanie  and ship him off to Afghanistan where he belongs. Are their ducks in Afghanistan? Is there any water there? Is there anything at all in Afghanistan other than guns and rubble? Oh yeah, opium.

I have an idea, after we watched the SOVIETS make such a mess of things in their 10 year war there that it broke up the Soviet Union, we should go have a war there for not 10 years, but 14 years!  We are just so much smarter than everyone else. Exceptionally so.

The problem here is pretty much the same as with George Zimmerman. The Right makes folk heroes out of these people too soon. Once these stories about dirtballs hit the big media, digging goes deeper to find them even more “dirtbally” than we suspected.

Have you heard that George Zimmerman now has a twitter account since he sold one of his paintings for $100,000 on eBay. A new cultural phenomenon, the artist murderer. Well come to think of it that has been around awhile but not until recently has it come Republican ideology.