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SNL Weekend Update, James Carville NRA, May 4 2013

james carville SNLThe Republicans had a meeting after they lost the last election. The decided to pretend the won. And it’s working!

Bubba is complaining that I am too hard on his idol Ted Nugent. Let me just go over that one more time since Ted Nugent was highlighted today with a column in the Houston Chronicle:

Chickenhawk Ted Nugent crap in his pants and played queer FOR A MONTH to dodge the draft.

Ted Nugent bought an underage girl from her parents as a sex slave for his tour bus.

Ted Nugent refers to African American as “Apes.”

Ted Nugent refers to Hispanics as “Wetbacks.”

Ted Nugent shoots cats and dogs who wander onto his property and is proud of it.

Ted Nugent says he gets erections when he kills animals and is proud of it.

Ted Nugent is the face of the NRA and GUN ENTHUSIASTS in America.

And my favorite. Ted Nugent wrote a book – God, Guns and Rock and Roll – Specifically to counter Hand Gun Control’s Sarah Brady (who he says should be euthanized) lies about guns in the home causing 5 times as many deaths as no guns in the home. In his book-long response he tells of the time he was in the back seat of his dad’s car when an unloaded rifle went off through the windshield. The time he was ten years old and cleaning an unloaded rifle in his parents kitchen and it fired through the wall outside. And the more recent time at a party in his home when his toddler got into his locked armory, his locked weapons cabinet, and fired an unloaded rifle through the floor to the party below.  Please understand the intellectual depravity of all that.