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SNL: Young Ben Carson & Jesus

SNL: Young Ben Carson & Jesus

The refrain most heard from Donald Trump fans is “He says what we are all thinking!”  Wrap your head around that.

No matter all the crazy stupid crap Dr Ben Carson’s treats us with, he holds steady in the polls with 25% of Republicans thinking he would make the best president. But look out Ben, Donald Trump who since last week’s SNL appearance is now up at 42%. And so giddy with his numbers he put on a 95 minute Gallager comedy routine. Which should put him up another 10 points by next week.

What if these two clowns don’t flame out as expected? In fact since Paris, Ann Coulter is making headlines with “MEET THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DONALD TRUMP!”

But wait, what if one of them actually gets the nomination? Hallelujah!
But wait, what if Hillary gets runned over by a damned old train?
But wait, that would mean Bernie would win!