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Soprano Family Whacked – Bad Parallel Parking Saves Lives

Soprano's series endingHollywood, Ca — If like millions of viewers your cable went out at the end of the last episode of The Soprano’s you missed the bloodiest moment on cable TV. At the diner, the suspicious man returns from the bathroom and the suspicious Black guys at the video game machine all open fire on the three Soprano’s who were really enjoying their onion rings — a Bonnie and Clyde television moment. In the crossfire the Brothers, the bathroom executioner, two waitresses, the couple at the next table, and a calico cat are also whacked, stacking the diner booth high with blood squirting bullet riddled twitching bodies. The Soprano’s daughter, failing three times to parallel park in front of the diner survived to witness this damn good whacking. If your cable went out and you missed this great television moment, call them and witch about it.