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State of Texas Victimizes Rape Victims, Charging Them For Evidence Collection video

We were all shocked when we learned that a police chief in Sarah Palin’s home town of Wasilla, Alaska charged rape victims for the evidence collection and hospital charges relating to their rape cases. The public outcry soon set things right.

Now, we hear that it’s the law in the entire state of Texas! The justification isn’t clear. Perhaps it’s the old fashioned – she had it coming to her unless she can prove otherwise, or keeping in mind, the area…if she didn’t shoot him, she must have consented? In actuality as we learn in the video it’s plain old
stupidity and greed.

In this video interview, a victim is charged over $1800.for her rape evidence collection. Many have not been able to pay and faced ruined credit on top of their physical and emotional trauma. It certainly is not because the state cannot afford it, nor are they lacking in funds set aside for this. The state criminal victim compensation fund has millions left in the bank each year. It’s no wonder,
when they collect piles of money from criminal fines, fees, and restitution, but pay nothing out to the victims! Let’s hope the thrifty Attorney General is soon looking for another job which will appreciate his lack of common sense and penurious ways.