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Stephen Colbert, Immigration, Heritage Foundation and racist Jason Richwine

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet

heritage jason richwineRichwine. Hmm… Rich Wine. I dunno, the name sure fits well with both the Heritage Foundation and racism. Not to be confused by my editor here, Paddy Poorbeer.

“White native Americans?” Harvard let that one go? Amazing. But from what I hear that once you get IN to graduate school  and PAY for it, you just do prof-smooching and get all A’s no matter what you do.  Case in point!

Two things.

First off, what did anyone expect after Jim DeMint, the top Tea Party Clown in the Senate quit to take over the leadership of the Heritage Foundation? Duh.

And secondly, anyone remember Charles Murray?  He was the defacto spokesman for the Libertarian Party  through most of the 80’s and 90’s. In 1984 Murray wrote a book called LOSING GROUND. The theme of the book was that because African Americans have such low IQs, it is a waste of money to educate them or spend our tax money on them.  Then ten years later in 1994 he wrote another book called THE BELL CURVE. The theme of that book was that because African Americans have such low IQs, it is a waste of money to educate them or spend our tax money on them. Charles Murray is like a 10 year cicada invasion.