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Stephen Colbert: Abrigail Fisher, Supreme Court ending Affirmative Action with Emily Bazelon

 “I don’t consider race, people tell me I am white and I believe them because I look both ways when I talk about race.” Great line from Stephen Colbert.

Abrigail Fisher killed Affirmative ActionThough it would not make any difference in the results of this case before the Supreme Court, Justice Kagan, a liberal, has recersed herself from the case which will make it a 5 to 3 rather than a 5 to 4.  This will mean that less African-Americans will go to college, will get in graduate schools, will win contracts resulting in less movement into the middle class.

When I was 20 I could have done the same as Abrigail Fisher, though by the time I entered my 40’s I would have counted it as the worst decision of my life. History putting my name on the list including Bull Connor, George Wallace and David Duke. I bet Abrigail is going to one day suffer this decision for the rest of her life. The little redheaded girl who set African-Americans back a generation.