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Stephen Colbert Circumcises all dead Mormons

Mormons have baptized over 600,000 dead Jews and Anne Frank 9 times! Not only that but they believe God is 6’2" and lives on the planet Kolob!

Mormons are crazy! Everyone knows God is 110 feet tall (Oral Roberts) and lives on a cloud in the sky! 

Mormons believe the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. That’s nuts! We all know Eden was West of that place filled with all those OTHER people some OTHER God created for Cain and Able to have sex with. Otherwise we would all be products of incest. Though that often does seem the case down here in Texas and East of Texas, it is not good theology. 

Bill Maher had a good line last night on all this.  Mormonism was just too weird for Tom Cruise! He went with a far more reasonable religion, Scientology. After all, we all know God is from the planet Xenu!