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Stephen Colbert, GOP Senate was not elected to govern!

“It is the biggest and most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era. It is very simple what that mandate is. It is to stop Barack Obama, Republicans were not elected to govern.” Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh GOP not elected to governSo there you have it, from the most “untrustworthy” man in America say recent polls. Four times married, no children and America’s top spokesman for family values.

The point being made here is that if the Republicans do manage to govern and compromise with the President, then the people will like the way things are going with a Democratic President and a Republican Congress and Hillary will be our a shoe in as our next president. Hillary Clinton who will then more than likely change the world by replacing a few right-wing Supreme Court justices with humans.

That in turn – along with the changing demography – will make voting easier for everyone while taking removing the most egregious forms of Gerrymandering and bribery out of the election process and returning the House to the Democrats.

I am also finding that no talking heads believe that the Republicans will hold on to the Senate come 2016. Or on the other hand think the House can change to Democrats until sometime in the 2020’s. This leaves the GOP only 2 years to do nothing other than what they have done in the past week since the election. Piss off Hispanics like never before and telling the rest of us that they will be taking Health care away from those who can’t afford insurance. Nice… As Rush Limbaugh says so often, character matters.