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Stephen Colbert, The Greenhouse Effect of Global Warming

stephen colbert greenhouse effectThe greenhouse effect!  Standing ovation! Hear! Here!

A UN study? Holyhockerlockers, studies are bad enough in themselves, but studies that come from outside the exceptionalism of the United States? You gotta be kidding me.

The problem is that studies from both home and abroad have not checked in with the GOP, Fox News, talk radio and Dan Inhofe beforehand, making it all meaningless. And besides, studies are done by smart people and nothing Americans hate more than a smartypants.

But lucky for the Republicans one UN scientist – Professor Richard Tol of the UK – of the 410 signatories from the study wants his name removed from the findings explaining it is all too dire.

But if you ask people in Syria whether they are more concerned with chemical weapons or climate change, I think they would pick chemical weapons – that is just silliness.’Professor Richard Tol

So there you have it, this one unsilly economist who many say is a egomaniac on the fringe proves it all a big pile of crap. Doing the Googling on this guy  I found his story only on conservative websites.