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Stephen Colbert, in the polls Morons UP, God DOWN

Christian Theology 101

Bad woman corrupts good man, thus good man loses immortality and his home is foreclosed.

The world is then populated either by incest between Cain the son, Eve the Mother or unknown sisters with father and brother -this was before cousins.
Or… The world is populated by Cain and some other women some other God created down the road a piece.

The foundation of the new monotheism is laid down when a voice in Abraham’s head tells him to kill his son. Abraham does what the voice tells him – as did Andrea Yates – but just before the knife comes down God stops him and says, "Just Joking!" A lesson that we must all give dogmatic, mindless obedience to supernatural beings and voices in our heads.

God has sex with and impregnates a young unmarried Jewish virgin. He pulls up his pants and gives no support to either the girl or the child, ever. It is up to some older kindly Jewish man to take responsibility for what God refuses to do.

The Reformation comes along to teach us that our salvation for eternal life comes from our intensity of belief, deeds and actions do not matter. 

Joyous hope and prayer for the coming annihilation of 6 billion people so a few chosen Christians can get to Heaven a little bit sooner.

So… It goes without saying that Mormonism, Scientology and the Pee Wee Herman Show are all a big step up from that.