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Stephen Colbert, Panties and 63% of women don’t like Republicans

stephen colbert pantiesI wonder how well Republicans will do with women in the next election? Will they do as well as they have with recently in winning over African Americans and Hispanics since they lost in 2012?

Nothing African Americans enjoy more that Republicans doing everything they can to keep them from voting. And of course calling Nelson Mandela a Commie and now taking up Impeachment of President Obama in committee. The answer to that problem has been acted upon today! Send Rand Paul, who says he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act, to open an African American outreach office in Detroit to advocate cutting off pensions for African American retirees. And not to forget rounding up Hispanic families to put in camps and charge the children with the crimes of their parents.

So what has the GOP done so far to help women along?  Hmmm… Um….. They voted against equal pay for equal work. That’s a good start!  Closing up Planned Parenthood clinics wherever they have control, that’s a winner.  Making contraception harder to get is a winning hand as we can see in the Hobby Lobby case. And of course Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut all over again has been a big help.

Why would anyone vote for a Republican?  Oh yeah, I forgot. Jesus is in the NRA, their tax money going to lazy bums downtown and their visceral hatred of liberals for being so much smarter and better looking than they are.