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Stephen Colbert sells his own line of Rapture Bunkers

After listening on local tv to so many of those attending Rick Perry’s Christian Only Houston Prayer rally to pray for rain (no rain, they have been praying for it now since March), to pray for economic relief (the Dow lost 630 points two days afterward), to pray gays away (there were more gays outside Reliant Stadium than ever before) and of course fasting for the time it took to get through the long concession lines, I have to agree with Stephen on this.

It was not only learning from the interviews that nothing matters to these ignorant miscreants other than their own personal salvation, but also that they are hoping and praying that Jesus will come to Earth to kill everyone but them. Jesus the genocidal mass murderer. Gosh… Killing 6 Billion people including, women, children, babies and FETUSES! Now that’s something to pray for! In Hell. So yes, they should do this world a favor and ALL buy boxes big enough to crawl into and bury their sorryasses until Hell freezes over.

And contrary to the pain and suffering these santorum bigots take so much pleasure in  by excluding and demonizing gay teenagers – thousands of whom have have killed themselves because of it – remember…