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Stephen Colbert, the trouble with Common Core education

“I have heard disturbing rumors that kindergartners are being forced to share!” Stephen Colbert

stephen Colbert common core You can see the problem from the examples of questions cited by Stephen Colbert. Common Core is more than just adding and subtracting, here we see the bare math enhanced to include THINKING about the HOW and WHY of it.

Texas is of course one of the four states rejecting Common Core for that very reason, for when you are up to your nose in oil, cows, Jesus and guns, who needs to think?

The central ideology of the Republicans now holding this nation hostage has as it’s basis greed being good, selfishness as something to boast of, and how as a society we should take pride in showing as much callous disregard for anyone we consider different as we possibly can. These are the basic traditional American Christian values we hear so much about. Not only should these fine values taking the high moral ground be shouted from every podium, pulpit and radio talk show in America, but should be incorporated into every facet of our education system. Early on, in Head Start and day care.

If a kid is playing with a toy and some other child wants it, teach that kid to poke the other one in the eye until it stops grabbing for it. If that same child wants all the toys from all the kids, just instruct him to use more fingers more often. And when all the kids are crying because their eyes hurt and they have no toys to play with, make sure the good kid with all the toys is not only rewarded, but also taught not to give a crap. Such instruction is paramount as the basis for creating more Republicans for the voting booths of America to insure a kinder gentler nation for our future.