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Steve Stockman walks out of SOTU pictured with Duck Dynasty Willie Robertson

Steve Stockman will not run for his Congressional seat in 2014. Instead he has registered to run for the Senate to unseat Texas Senator John Cornyn – who has a 100% conservative rating – because Stockman says, John Cornyn is a liberal.

steve stockman and willie robertson

I was not disappointed! Dumbutt, Texas’ very own Congressman Steve Stockman made a big exit in the middle of the speech. To not only be rude and obnoxious to the president, but to get in line to have his picture taken with Duck Dyansty star Willie Robertson who was in attendance.

Have to give Willie Robertson credit for being a nice guy, for getting ones’ picture taken with Steve Stockman is about the dumbest thing anyone could do. Well other than getting in the same frame with Ted Nugent.

Speaking of which, it was Steve Stockman who made the big news in last year’s SOTU address by inviting his Texas pal Ted Nugent to attend. It was the first time Ted Nugent was not carrying a gun, which is probably the only reason he didn’t shoot someone or their cat or dog.

It was good to see Steve Stockman show up for the event as he had been missing for three weeks with no votes or anyone knowing where he was. Turns out he was in Egypt with another Republican Congressman.

dana rohrabacherWho would be enough of a Right-wing lunatic to go anywhere with Steve Stockman? Or even be seen with him for that matter? If you pay attention to congressional politics you would have guessed right, for it was indeed California Surfer Bong Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

In fact this is really an uplifting story. For after Rohrabacher’s friend and mentor B1 Bob Dornan was voted out of Congress in 1996, Dana Rohrabacher became the top Right-wing lunatic in Congress. He held that title for 16 years until 2012 when Steve Stockman was elected and took it away from him. So rather than any ill feeling for the top slot, they are now friends traveling the world together. How sweet.

Oh by the way, I just did an extensive Google search and could find only two politicians who have been stupid enough to have had their pictures taken with Ted Nugent.

Ted nugent and Sarah Palinsteve stockman and ted nugent