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Street Preacher Heckled By Loud Little Girl

Street Preacher Heckled By Loud Little Girl

The place is Salem, Massachusetts. The night is Halloween – when evil runs riot, and the amplified voice in the darkness appears to be a young soldier in God’s army, who is definitely paying his dues. Salem’s evil history of witch burning, and religious hysteria is as demonic as the young preacher could wish…And it’s plenty creepy at any time. People have conveniently forgotten Salem’s ugly history, but on this night, they are blessed with a wee child to remind them. The little girl is blessed with the pipes and determination to drown out the preacher’s amplified call to someone, somewhere who is longing to hear his message of hell fire and damnation.

How do you react when someone wakes you on Saturday morning, with the ‘good news’ and a magazine? Those people are generally earnest and polite, but what about those who trap others in a hospital waiting room, or surround women who are trying to gain access to a family planning center?  Live and let live may be the best reaction, but this little girl is  exercising her rights and vocal chords right back at him: “Blah Blah Blah Blah! “Pie holes should be quiet!” “Shut UP, nobody wants to hear you!” she yells.

Is this what the scripture meant when Jesus said “Suffer the little children?

The comments which have poured forth since this video was first posted are interesting. Some feel quite strongly that the little girl should show respect to her elders. Along the same lines, people insist that she should be punished for her rude behavior. I might add, these people are in the minority. Most feel that she is just as entitled to shout her opinion, as the busker for God is entitled to invade your ear space with his.

This kid will never graduate from Miss Manner’s Charm School, and I’ll admit she would give me a migraine. However, the small protester has shown more consideration than Chris Christie does toward those who pay his salary, and than Jan Brewer and her ilk have shown to the President of the United States.  Does this man deserve more respect because he claims he is there in the service of God?