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Tea Party Diana Serafin, Mosque Project not about 911 but Republican religious intolerance

On the heels of Republicans meeting to revisit the 14th Amendment – where Equal Protection and Due Process reside in our constitution – comes them now showing their utter disdain for the 1st Amendment too. Let me say this so there is no mistaking it. If any Tea Party waves the constitution in your face, snatch it from their hand and do your best to shove it up their ass. Gosh, I hope I am clear on that.

There is no 911 hallowed ground in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Temecula, California or Sheboygan, Wisconsin where these communities have no problem letting it be known they do not want Mosques in their midst, the 1st Amendment be damned. God is not great, Jesus is great. Across Nation, Mosque Projects Meet Opposition

Here ya go. No 911 hallowed ground anywhere near Diana Serafin pictured here lost in a sea of flags. Flags she has no clue as to what they represent. Here is the intolerant religious bigotry from the fat, ugly, old and morbidly ignorant Tea Party. Or as some may now call themselves, Momma Grizzlies. 

"As a mother and a grandmother, I worry. I learned that in 20 years with the rate of the birth population, we will be overtaken by Islam, and their goal is to get people in Congress and the Supreme Court to see that Shariah is implemented. My children and grandchildren will have to live under that. I do believe everybody has a right to freedom of religion, but Islam is not about a religion. It’s a political government, and it’s 100 percent against our Constitution." Says Diana Serafin an unemployed grandmother from Temecula who says she reached out to others she met at Tea Party events, anti-immigration  rallies and from local meetings  of ACT! for America, a Florida-based group that says its purpose is to defend Western civilization against Islam.